WELCOME. You may have a need that can be answered by one of the comprehensive courses below.
Unlike our microlearning based sessions we have created special access to courses that can be watched from begining to end in one sitting if so desired.
Featured Short Courses
Each course below is unique in its design and rich in content, they are designed to bring insight give loads of practical and genuinely useful tools that will make a significant difference to your context.

Welcome to speaking with confidence.
Perhaps you have been asked to deliver a presentation. You may be a little nervous, you may be a little excited, either way, you want to deliver a great presentation. Well, this VERY short course will help you deliver a winning presentation. This is not a “theoretical” course on the nuances of linguistics and intricate communication principles but aims to provide a practical “hands-on” step-by-step approach to designing a talk. Quickly.
In this course, 3eLeader will introduce some simple steps to making compelling, inspiring presentations. It aims to empower you to deliver your ideas confidently and effectively by introducing fundamental presentation essentials.
The goal of this course is a ‘paint by numbers’ approach to crafting a presentation and the simple steps that will help get you started. We broke this process down into simple steps, ending with a presentation you can deliver.
Each step contains
- Short videos,
- An instructional guide and
- Downloadable pdf worksheets to guide you through each step.
Your responsibility is to complete the steps and take the time to prepare. Many people do not do this, as is clear when they show up obviously inadequately prepared.

12 Steps To Team Success
$180 per month
for 3 months
Teamwork is now an everyday reality for thousands of people and team building & team performance are central to organizations survival / profitability. When teams are run well, they help people to contribute greater levels of achievement and provide a shared sense of purpose. In fact, team philosophy is now centric to organizational strategy in high velocity environments.
However, 3eLeaders research highlights that many people are given (or drift into) the responsibility of TEAM LEADERSHIP, but they have not been afforded the requisite LEADERSHIP training.

Why do some people to achieve their goals?
They get ahead faster and accomplish more than you, even though you work harder, longer and seemingly smarter. It’s frustrating, right? I want to make you one of those people. It’s possible; you just have to have the system for achievement.

We will introduce you to 35 of the most talked about, looked at and painfully remembered people you are likely to meet in your workplace, your sports team or your Christmas family gatherings.
- Video Instructional’s, Topic relevant lectures, Downloadable PDFs,
- A complete finished business plan manual.
- You will be literally “Cutting and Pasting” your way through this process to get to your final Business Plan, something you can submit with pride.

Welcome to living a more resilient life.
Your resilience refers not only to your ability to cope and adapt to crises or stressful situations but to Thrive. Resilience refers to how you use various strategies to develop your capability to handle challenging situations.
Have you ever wondered how you can be more resilient? Well, it’s time for you to find out how.
There are SIX sessions included within the course. They are designed to help you to develop your resilience and to manage stress.
Over the six sessions, we will cover
- Practical tips on having a resilient mindset
- ‘In the moment’ strategies that can help you in a stressful situation
- ‘Resilience habits’ that would be helpful to build into your life.
Who this course is for:
- Anyone with an interest in developing their resilience, whether physical, emotional or mental.
- Anyone who experiences emotionally intense situations.
- Anyone with an interest in developing their ability to manage their emotions.
- Anyone who wants to have a deeper understanding of themselves and how to work better with other people.
- Anyone with a leadership position within an organization.
Speed Reading
It is possible to double your reading speed by the end of this course.
This is the Information Age and knowledge is power.
We get more printed information thrown at us in one day than our great-grandparents saw in a lifetime.
Everyone has books on the shelf they’ve never read because they didn’t have the time. Some even find reading a slow, laborious task because they read slowly, their mind wanders, they’re often having to go back and re-read what they just read. Not any more!
- Speed Reading – how well do you currently read and what’s possible?
- Why most people read below their potential and with poor comprehension
- Key techniques to increase your reading speed, focus and comprehension
- How to quickly double your reading speed through effective practice
- Reading strategies for different materials and purposes

Speed Reading — Read at Break Neck Speeds
“We are fortunate to have fabulous teachers in the field of
leadership. If you needed to have some support and expert
teaching then I have never met better”