MONTH 2 Key tools
Hi Team, a quick recap
month 2
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what to bring
Be on time
We only have a short time to meet, so let’s be there early with bells on (not literally, although no ones stopping you).
Bring an example
What was one tool you applied from Impactful Leadership in the last month? It dosnt need to be earth shattering, it could be something very small. This is where growth really takes place.
Download and fill in your “Take Action” Sheet to bring with you. It provides the questions that will be asked.
Bring a great energy
A few years ago, I had the opportunity to attend a conference hosted by Oprah Winfrey. One particular message she shared has remained etched in my memory ever since. She revealed that above the entrance door to her team’s workspace, there is a sign that reads, “You are responsible for the energy you bring into this room.”. It has always stuck with me because the quote insinuates that ultimately, I have control over my own attitude, whether at work home, or on my own…love it.