none of us knows more than all of us
session 1
peer to peer meeting
what to expect
in session 1
Click on the video to get a quick ‘heads up on the first session.

what to bring
Be on time
We only have a short time to meet, so let’s be there early with bells on (not literally, although no ones stopping you).
Bring an insight
Yes, we want to know what was an insight gained or a thought sparked. Come ready to share one thing with the team.
Bring an outcome
One outcome you hope to achieve this month. It may be something big or menial, it doesn’t matter, it just gives us a chance to see a fraction of your world.

A journey in the making
Impactful leadership is about crafting your own unique leadership style.
To do that, we are joining with others in a shared journey of personal growth. This forum has been created so that you as a leader can stretch your leadership legs in a safe environment with other like-minded people in your organization.
The moment you stop learning, you stop growing
There is no one-size-fits-all way to lead. Your leadership will reflect on your own values, character traits, and talents. As you learn to integrate the knowledge to best suit and reflect WHO YOU ARE. Use what you already possess and build more from there. You are unique. Make that uniqueness you’re your own signature impactful leadership style.
do you have a question?
Say Hello!
Feel free to contact me prior to the meeting with any questions at all. I would love to hear from you to some time in this journey